Chasing personal mastery is like being on an eternal journey of learning, staying curious, and keeping an open mind. Sounds like a mammoth task, doesn't it? But what if AI and automation could turn this uphill journey into a scenic drive?
This my favorite piece yet!
Explains my high-level message clearly: let's use tech to get better AT getting better.
Good post! I like to see ways that you can use AI - for personal improvement with tracking.
Thank you -- theres unreal leverage we can engineer into our lives, with a little tuning and some patience in design.
I predict an unlimited stream of apps leveraging GPT + task management will pop-up, if they aren't here yet.
I see mastery as the culmination of well-chosen and well-executed tasks.
This my favorite piece yet!
Explains my high-level message clearly: let's use tech to get better AT getting better.
Good post! I like to see ways that you can use AI - for personal improvement with tracking.
Thank you -- theres unreal leverage we can engineer into our lives, with a little tuning and some patience in design.
I predict an unlimited stream of apps leveraging GPT + task management will pop-up, if they aren't here yet.
I see mastery as the culmination of well-chosen and well-executed tasks.