Everything old is new again.
The story of reinforcement learning (RL) is a fascinating tale of how we've taught machines to learn through trial and error, much like we humans do. It's a journey that spans decades, weaving together ideas from psychology, mathematics, and computer science.
It was en vogue decades ago.. and now RL is creating a buzz as a legitimate path to Artificial General Intelligence — the fabled AGI.
What is Reinforcement Learning?
Imagine training a dog. You don't tell it exactly how to sit, but you reward it when it does. That's the basic idea behind RL. It's a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment. The agent gets rewards for good actions and penalties for bad ones, gradually figuring out the best way to behave.
Essentially there are four phases to traditional RL:
Exploration: The agent tries out different actions to see what happens.
Evaluation: The agent gets a reward or penalty based on its action.
Learning: The agent updates its policy to favor actions that led to good rewards.
Iteration: The agent repeats this process, gradually improving its policy over time.
As you can imagine, the secret sauce is how rewards are defined. You want a good reward but not so “good” that the system begins reward hacking vs actually learning.
The agent needs to balance trying new things with sticking to what it knows works, we call this exploration vs exploitation.
Super Short Summary: RL is a powerful technique for training agents to make decisions in complex environments. It's based on the idea of learning through trial and error, just like humans do. While it has its challenges, RL is a promising field with many potential applications.
Let’s explore the history of RL by looking at the development trajectory it has taken, then we’ll talk about where it’s going.
History of Reinforcement Learning
Imagine a psychologist trying to understand how animals learn. They might observe a rat in a maze, learning to find its way to the cheese by trying different paths and remembering which ones led to a reward. This is the essence of reinforcement learning: an agent (the rat) learning to make decisions by interacting with its environment (the maze) and receiving rewards (the cheese) or penalties (a dead end).
This idea was formalized in the 1950s with the concept of Markov Decision Processes, a mathematical framework for modeling decision-making in situations where outcomes are uncertain. The Markov property states that the future depends only on the present state, not on the past history. In other words, the current state contains all the information needed to predict the future. This simplifies the problem considerably, as the agent doesn't need to remember the entire history of its interactions. Think of it as a blueprint for how an agent can navigate a world with choices and consequences.
Analogy: Imagine a game of chess. The current arrangement of pieces on the board (the state) is all you need to know to determine the possible legal moves and their consequences. You don't need to remember how the pieces got to their current positions. The history is irrelevant; only the present state matters.
Around the same time, dynamic programming emerged as a powerful technique for solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, simpler subproblems. This provided a way for RL agents to calculate the best course of action in a given situation, laying the foundation for many RL algorithms.
In the late 1980s, a major breakthrough occurred with the introduction of temporal difference learning. This method allowed agents to learn from their experiences without needing a complete model of the environment. It's like the rat in the maze gradually figuring out the best path by remembering which turns led to the cheese, even if it doesn't have a map of the entire maze.
One of the most influential RL algorithms, Q-learning, was developed in the early 1990s. It provided a way for agents to learn the optimal action to take in any given state, even if the rewards are delayed. This was a significant step towards creating intelligent agents that could solve complex problems.
The 21st century witnessed the rise of deep learning, a technique that uses artificial neural networks to learn from vast amounts of data. When combined with reinforcement learning, it led to the emergence of deep reinforcement learning, a powerful approach that has achieved remarkable success in various domains.
Deep RL has enabled machines to master complex games like Atari and Go, surpass human performance in image recognition and natural language processing, and even control robots in real-world environments. It has opened up new possibilities in areas like robotics, healthcare, finance, and artificial intelligence. Deep RL and Q-learning have even teamed up. Instead of storing Q-values in a table (which becomes impractical for large state spaces), DQN which is short for Deep Q-Networks uses a neural network to approximate the Q-function. This allows RL to handle complex, high-dimensional state spaces, like a series of images from a video game. DQN introduced techniques like experience replay (storing past experiences and sampling from them randomly to break correlations) and target networks (using a separate, slowly updated network to stabilize training). This was famously used to play Atari and other games at a superhuman level.
RL avoids memorization and instead focuses on learning transferable principles.... This is why RL is able to generalize to unseen variations. When trained with an outcome-based reward, RL improves visual recognition capabilities, which contributes to enhanced generalization in visual domains.
So is it all roses with RL?
Not exactly.
Challenges with RL
While reinforcement learning holds immense promise, it comes with its own set of hurdles.
Imagine you're trying a new restaurant. Do you stick to your usual dish (exploitation) or try something new (exploration)? RL agents face the same problem. They need to explore the environment to discover new and potentially better actions, but they also need to exploit their current knowledge to achieve good rewards.
This is known as the exploration vs exploitation problem, we teased it in the intro.
Finding the right balance between exploration and exploitation is crucial. Too much exploration can lead to inefficient learning, while too much exploitation can prevent the agent from finding the optimal solution.
Let’s look at another big problem.
In many real-world scenarios, rewards are delayed. For example, in a game of chess, you might not know if a particular move was good until several moves later.
The credit assignment problem is figuring out which actions in a sequence led to the eventual reward. It's like trying to figure out which ingredient in a complex recipe was responsible for the delicious flavor. This makes it difficult for the agent to learn which actions are truly beneficial.
Let’s keep drilling down on rewards.
The reward function is what guides the RL agent's learning. It tells the agent which actions are good and which are bad.
Designing a good reward function can be surprisingly difficult. If the reward function is not well-designed, the agent may learn to exploit loopholes or exhibit unintended behaviors.
These are just some of the traditional challenges that RL researchers are working to overcome. Despite these challenges, RL has made significant progress in recent years, and it is poised to play an increasingly important role in artificial intelligence.
So, with all these challenges… why is RL enjoying a renaissance?
Some of the biggest labs on the planet are communicating RL is one of the keys to AGI — that is heating up research and development in this field.
Could Reinforcement Learning Lead to AGI?